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Our noses facilitate breathing by helping to keep out potentially harmful dirt, allergens, and other agents. In addition to allergies, we treat deviated septum, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinus headaches, nasal obstruction and more.

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It is estimated that as many as 80 percent of people have a nasal septum that is off-center. This is called a deviated septum, which may or may not cause certain symptoms.

Deviated Septum



Fungal sinusitis is a broad term used to describe various situations when fungus might be involved in the cause or symptoms of nasal and sinus inflammation.




Rhinitis is an inflammation of the mucous lining of the nasal cavity. Geriatric rhinitis is a common but often neglected or overlooked condition.




Hyposmia is a decreased sense of smell, or a decreased ability to detect odors through your nose. Anosmia is the inability to smell anything. These conditions are not very common.

Hyposmia is a decreased sense of smell, or a decreased ability to detect odors through your nose. Anosmia is the inability to smell anything. These conditions are not very common.


Smell is one of our most basic, important senses, and has meaning in our lives when it comes to enjoying a new sensation, remembering past experiences, and even detecting potentially dangerous odors such as smoke or spoiled milk. Loss of smell is a health condition that should be evaluated and treated by an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialist, or otolaryngologist.



What are the Symptoms of Hyposmia or Anosmia?


Symptoms of hyposmia or anosmia may be noticed gradually or suddenly, and include:

  • Decreased or absent sense of smell

  • Decreased sense of taste (flavor is the combination of taste and smell)

  • Nasal blockage or congestion

  • Nasal inflammation

  • Respiratory infection


Losing the ability to smell can often be accompanied by symptoms of chronic sinusitis, which may include frequent infections, facial pressure and pain, nasal obstruction, and drainage. Decreased sense of smell should not be painful or uncomfortable. Since tasting food and beverages is strongly related to the sense of smell, hyposmia or anosmia may also lead to a decreased desire to eat and drink.



What Causes Hyposmia or Anosmia?


The most common cause of acute or sudden smell loss is nasal blockage. Having inflammation in the nose from a cold, allergies, or an upper respiratory tract infection can cause swelling, which blocks smell particles from reaching the top of the nasal cavity where the smell, or olfactory, nerve is located. It is normal to have decreased or loss of smell during an active cold or sinus infection. However, it is less common to have decreased sense of smell when you’re not feeling ill.



Experiencing hyposmia or anosmia over a long period of time may indicate chronic sinus infection with or without nasal polyps. It may be due to an obstruction in the nose, such as a deviated septum, tissue swelling or, rarely, tumors of the nasal cavity. Nasal trauma can cause a loss of smell, either from a new blockage or from damage to the olfactory nerve. Many cases also occur after a viral infection and can be permanent.

Lastly, people often experience a decrease in their sense of smell as a part of normal aging. This is gradual, usually starting after age 65, but it can be sped up by cigarette smoking or chronic nasal inflammation. If you have decreased sense of smell along with memory loss or difficulty walking, tremors, and speech issues, you should tell your primary care provider about these symptoms right away.



What Are the Treatment Options?


Treatment for hyposmia or anosmia starts with figuring out the cause, so seeing an ENT specialist about these conditions is very important, starting with a thorough medical history and nasal exam. This may include a CT scan or MRI of the nose and sinuses. Specialized smell tests can help determine how much loss of smell you may have experienced.

After looking for the cause, your ENT specialist may decide to treat a nasal inflammation or obstruction. This may involve topical and/or oral medications to reduce inflammation, antibiotics, or surgery inside the nose.

Treatment for permanent loss of smell includes environmental safety recommendations and proper chemical detectors (gas and carbon monoxide) in the home. It also may include nasal rinses, smell retraining therapy, and certain supplements that may be helpful.



What Questions Should I Ask My Doctor?

  1. Why did my sense of smell change?

  2. What lab or radiology tests do you recommend?

  3. What medications can I take to try to improve or recover my sense of smell?

  4. Could I have chronic sinusitis?

  5. Is my hyposmia or anosmia related to other possible conditions?

Hypsomia & Anosmia



Nosebleeds (called epistaxis) are caused when tiny blood vessels in the nose break. Nosebleeds are very common and affect many people at some point in their lives.




Mucus is normally swallowed unconsciously, but when there is a feeling of the mucus gathering in the throat or dripping from the back of your nose, it is called post-nasal drip.

Post Nasal Drip



Rhinitis is a condition that typically involves nasal obstruction or congestion, runny nose or post-nasal drip, itchy nose, and/or sneezing.




Sinus headaches is a common term used by patients and some healthcare providers to describe pain or pressure in the face, over the cheeks or forehead, or between or behind the eyes. Not every headache is the result of sinus and nasal passage problems.

Sinus Headache



Sinusitis, also called rhinosinusitis because the symptoms involve both the nose and the sinuses, affects about one in eight adults annually.




Turbinate hypertrophy refers to an excessive growth or enlargement of the turbinates, which are bony structures located inside the nose.

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